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Joined GMI in 2004

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GMI Delegates

Steering Committee1
Biogas Subcommittee2
Coal Subcommittee1

GMI Project Sites

The map shows locations where GMI and our Partners have worked to reduce barriers to the recovery and use of methane as a clean energy source. Click on a site to learn more. The placement of map icons is approximate; the zoom-in feature is limited to avoid misrepresentations.

Red Icon Agriculture   Red Icon Coal Mines   Red Icon MSW   Red Icon Oil & Gas   Red Icon Wastewater

Global Methane Challenge Stories

The Global Methane Challenge is an international campaign to catalyze ambitious action around the world to reduce methane emissions and highlight policies and technologies being used to recover and use methane. Explore the stories to the right or visit the Global Methane Challenge website to learn more.

Check out these Global Methane Challenge stories

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) is committed to contributing innovative scientific and technical education and research to India and the world and serving as a valuable biogas resource for industry and society.


Gemedian Ecogi A/S

Gemidan Ecogi A/S operates three food-waste pre-treatment systems in Denmark that treat food waste to produce a high-quality pulp (�bio-pulp�) for centralized anaerobic digester facilities.



Solucycle manages food waste with their SoluRobot technology. The system allows restaurants and caterers to divert organic waste matter to biogas facilities and track greenhouse gas reductions.


Source Facility and BioCity

Source Facility and BioCity partnered to address operational challenges of biogas systems in India. Together, they provide local communities with 2,500 kg of compressed biogas per day and help to meet fertilizer needs in rural and urban India.


La Fran�aise de l�Energie

La Fran�aise de l�Energie (LFDE) assessed and identified practical options to recover and utilize the gas from Northern France�s abandoned coal mines. Annual methane emissions reductions for LFDE�s project are estimated at 602,000 TCO2e.


Hydraulic Fracturing of Kuznetsk LLC

Hydraulic Fracturing of Kuznetsk, LLC is working to reduce methane emissions in Russia through the development of a technology that increases the efficiency of degassing systems in modern coal mines.


Poland International Centre of Excellence on Coal Mine Methane

Poland created the International Centre of Excellence on Coal Mine Methane (ICE-CMM) to support the Group of Experts on CMM in its capacity-building activities.


India CBM Clearinghouse

The India CMM/CBM Clearinghouse addresses barriers to methane utilization projects in India. Several commercial CMM/CBM projects are scheduled to be implemented in 2020.


UNEP: Global Methane Alliance

The GMA gathers international organizations, non-governmental organizations, financing institutions, and oil and gas companies to support countries in setting ambitious methane reduction targets for the oil and gas industry.

UNEP: Methane Science Studies

The results of ongoing and future methane science studies will improve understanding of methane emissions at a global level, allowing industry, governments, and other stakeholders to prioritize actions to reduce methane emissions.

UNEP: Oil and Gas Methane Partnership

The OGMP provides a protocol to help companies manage their methane emissions from upstream oil and gas operations and offers a credible platform to help member companies demonstrate reductions to industry stakeholders.

International Collaboration to Address Methane Emissions

Environment and Climate Change Canada is working to establish collaborative relationships with several international partners, including Vietnam, Senegal, C�te d�Ivoire, Chile, China, and Mexico.


HAUG Sauer Kompressoren AG

HAUG Sauer Kompressoren AG produces oil-free and dry-running piston compressors that allow systems to emit zero methane emissions. The estimated emission reductions for each compressor installed at a typical natural gas station is approximately 1,634 TCO2e per year.


Energy Developments PTY Limited

Energy Development Limited�s actions have reduced methane emissions by 19 million tons of CO2e annually. This equates to removing approximately 5.7 million cars from the road every year.


Domestic Methane Partnership Programs

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has implemented several voluntary programs to promote cost-effective recovery and use of methane. EPA shares the expertise and experience gained through the voluntary domestic programs as part of its commitment to the Global Methane Initiative.


China Methane Emissions Summary

The table and charts provides estimate for projected methane emissions within the industry sectors targeted by GMI (biogas, coal mines, and oil & gas) from 2020-2050. Data are presented in million metric tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent (MMTCO2e).

Coal Mines660.421595.856511.473
Oil & Gas27.01436.87451.366
Other (Non-GMI)616.124723.123843.398

Source: Global Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emission Projections & Mitigation Potential: 2015-2050, U.S. EPA

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