Serbia Organic Waste Diversion and Treatment Workshop

Municipal Solid Waste

14 September 2022

Location: Novi Sad, Serbia

Event Details:

In an effort to advance their mission of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and encouraging the use of renewable energy in the Republic of Serbia, Global Methane Initiative (GMI) has partnered with the Center of Excellence for Circular Economy and Climate Change and the Faculty of Technical Sciences at the University of Novi Sad to host a full-day conference titled Diverting Biowaste From Landfill Using Small and Large Scale Applications. 

Presentations showcased GMI capacity building activities in Serbia, including technical support for the operational composting facility in Novi Sad. Additional presentations covered Serbia's Methane Action Plan, current research being conducted at the University of Novi Sad, and technical and financial considerations for organic waste diversion and treatment projects, including composting and biogas technologies.

Industry Sector: Municipal Solid Waste

Event Resources


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Serbia Organic Waste Diversion and Treatment Workshop Agenda
(PDF, 230.5 KB, 2pp)


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Impact of Waste Disposal on Air Pollution in the Republic of Serbia
(PDF, 1.8 MB, 9pp)
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Biowaste in the present crisis - how do we cope with new obligation and turn them into possibilities
(PDF, 287.3 KB, 9pp)
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City of Novi Sad Regional waste project
(PDF, 2.6 MB, 16pp)
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Diverting biowaste from landfill – Green Waste Composting Facility in Novi Sad
(PDF, 3 MB, 15pp)
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Education of solid waste workers in the Republic of Serbia
(PDF, 3.4 MB, 37pp)
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Global Methane Initiative activity in treatment of biowaste around the world
(PDF, 2.6 MB, 15pp)
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Improvement of energy efficiency and management of the solid waste sector in MNE - case study EU financed project
(PDF, 0.7 MB, 18pp)
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Landfill gas usage in landfill of Novi Sad
(PDF, 2.1 MB, 12pp)
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MBT biowaste residue stabilization for landfilling
(PDF, 0.5 MB, 12pp)
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Measurement of the amount and morphological composition of food waste from households and commercial sector
(PDF, 1 MB, 15pp)
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NALAS SWM Monitoring tool and Gender perspective in SWM service delivery
(PDF, 2.2 MB, 20pp)
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Pre-feasibility study for scaling up Novi Sad composting project to treat organic waste from the entire south back region
(PDF, 1.3 MB, 10pp)
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State Policy in Diverting Biowaste from Landfills in Serbia
(PDF, 0.7 MB, 18pp)
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The Climate Calculator of Tel-Aviv Metropolitan for Reducing GHG Emitted by WM Actions
(PDF, 2 MB, 20pp)
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The role of incineration in circular economy - a case of Eastern Serbia
(PDF, 3 MB, 29pp)

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