
International Zero Waste Cities Conference and the Methane Action and Environmental Justice Summit

List of Events

Date2–5 July 2024
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Industry Sector: Biogas, Municipal Solid Waste
Across the globe, leaders are becoming increasingly aware of how crucial zero waste strategies like waste reduction, separate collection, and composting are to solving some of the biggest hurdles our civilization faces. These simple, socially inclusive and affordable approaches have been proven to reduce climate emissions and environmental pollution, support sustainable economies, and advance environmental justice.

As global consensus grows around the importance of rapidly scaling zero waste systems, the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) hosted two events: the International Zero Waste Cities Conference (July 2-4, 2024) alongside local member Nipe Fagio, and the Methane Action and Environmental Justice Summit (July 5, 2024) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The GMI Biogas Subcommittee Co-Chair, Fiifi Boadi, also served as a moderator at these events. 

The purpose of these two events was to give changemakers from the government, financial, philanthropic, and advocacy sectors the opportunity to make vital connections and share best practices, in order to foster the collaborative spirit needed to achieve our collective zero waste goals. 

Visit the event website for more information: