Resource Image | Resource | | Year |
 | Abandoned Mine Methane (AMM): Maximizing Gas Production (PDF, 1.7 MB, 20pp) | | 2018 |
 | Accounting and Spaceborne methodologies for closing the global methane budget (PDF, 3 MB, 20pp) | | 2018 |
 | Addressing Technical and Financial Barriers to Methane Recovery Projects in the Wastewater Sector (PDF, 789.5 KB, 5pp) | | 2018 |
 | Agriculture Digesters and Biogas: Driving Green Jobs in India (PDF, 3.7 MB, 47pp) | | 2018 |
 | Argentina Update to the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) Oil & Gas (O&G) Subcommittee (PDF, 1.3 MB, 14pp) | | 2018 |
 | Assessing Financial “Readiness” for Municipalities, Nadia Scharen-Givel, Abt Associates (PDF, 1 MB, 18pp) | | 2018 |
 | Biogas Subcommittee: 2016-2017 Update and Plans for 2018-2019 (PDF, 191.1 KB, 3pp) | | 2018 |
 | CCAC Bonn Communique (PDF, 378.6 KB, 3pp) | | 2018 |
 | Challenge for Methane Action: Steering Committee Meeting (PDF, 156 KB, 15pp) | | 2018 |
 | Characterization and Management of Food Loss and Waste in North America (PDF, 4 MB, 24pp) | | 2018 |
 | Charges to Subcommittee (April 218) (PDF, 195.8 KB, 1p) | | 2018 |
 | Climate finance to unlock methane projects - A World Bank perspective (PDF, 2.4 MB, 12pp) | | 2018 |
 | CMM/CBM Development in Mongolia (PDF, 1.2 MB, 17pp) | | 2018 |
 | Coal Subcommittee Update to the GMI Steering Committee: 2016-2017 Update; Plans for 2018-2019 (PDF, 125.2 KB, 3pp) | | 2018 |
 | Co-generation Utilizing Biogas from Sludge Treatment (PDF, 1.3 MB, 16pp) | | 2018 |
 | Comparison of reported Provincial-level emissions of methane in Alberta and Saskatchewan with estimates based on atmospheric observations (PDF, 6.9 MB, 18pp) | | 2018 |
 | Current and Potential Policy Impetus for CMM Recovery and Use Projects (PDF, 172.1 KB, 8pp) | | 2018 |
 | Enabling Policy Framework and the Role of Best Practices (PDF, 479.6 KB, 10pp) | | 2018 |
 | Enteric Methane and SDG's (PDF, 706.1 KB, 6pp) | | 2018 |
 | Financing SLCP Mitigation Projects in the Waste Sector (PDF, 839.4 KB, 7pp) | | 2018 |
 | GaSP: Methane Mitigation in the Atlantic Provinces (PDF, 12.4 MB, 26pp) | | 2018 |
 | Global Methane Initiative Steering Committee Meeting New Partners (PDF, 272.5 KB, 2pp) | | 2018 |
 | Global Methane Initiative Steering Committee Meeting Update on United States Activities in Support of GMI (PDF, 513.3 KB, 4pp) | | 2018 |
 | Global Methane Initiative Steering Committee Meeting, Administrative Support Group Update (PDF, 275.1 KB, 3pp) | | 2018 |
 | Global Project Scale and Emissions (PDF, 379.5 KB, 10pp) | | 2018 |
 | GMI Global Methane Forum Communique April 2018 (PDF, 122.6 KB, 4pp) | | 2018 |
 | Innovative financial tool for compressor station retrofits (PDF, 336.9 KB, 16pp) | | 2018 |
 | Joint CCAC Agriculture and GMI Biogas Subcommittee Brainstorming meeting (PDF, 946.2 KB, 5pp) | | 2018 |
 | Joint GMI/UNECE Best Management Practices Presentation – Upstream oil and gas, and downstream gas project (PDF, 262 KB, 8pp) | | 2018 |
 | Kazakhstan Introduction to the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) Oil & Gas (O&G) Subcommittee (PDF, 159.5 KB, 6pp) | | 2018 |
 | Key Lessons Learned in Reducing Methane from Oil and Gas (PDF, 916.3 KB, 14pp) | | 2018 |
 | Keynote: IEA World Energy Outlook: Oil and Gas Methane Emissions and the Costs and Benefits of Mitigation (PDF, 502.9 KB, 9pp) | | 2018 |
 | Keynote: Making The Match – Why Successful Climate Policy & Next Generation Innovation Depends On Current Technology (PDF, 1.9 MB, 18pp) | | 2018 |
 | Measurements of Methane Emissions from Canadian Bakken Shale Oil Fields and Oil Sands Surface Mining Facilities (PDF, 3.9 MB, 18pp) | | 2018 |
 | Methane and the Sustainable Development Goals (PDF, 1.4 MB, 12pp) | | 2018 |
 | Methane in the context of Paris Agreement implementation, progress and challenges (PDF, 19.6 MB, 30pp) | | 2018 |
 | Methane Management in Extractive Industries (Upstream Oil and Gas / Downstream Gas) - Joint UNECE/GMI Project (PDF, 208.8 KB, 5pp) | | 2018 |
 | Methane policy update: Baseline and outlook for G20 countries (PDF, 380.8 KB, 13pp) | | 2018 |
 | National and Sub-National Policies to Reduce Wasted Gas (PDF, 386.5 KB, 9pp) | | 2018 |
 | National Context in Mexico: Opportunities and Barriers (PDF, 14.5 MB, 16pp) | | 2018 |
 | Observations from the Field on Getting Results in the Oil & Gas Sector (PDF, 1.9 MB, 15pp) | | 2018 |
 | OCWA/Stratford/GE: Energy Recovery and GHG Reduction Initiative (PDF, 1.2 MB, 10pp) | | 2018 |
 | Oil & Gas Subcommittee Meeting (PDF, 245.3 KB, 14pp) | | 2018 |
 | Oil and Gas Case Study: Pilot projects on continuous emissions monitoring (PDF, 688.6 KB, 4pp) | | 2018 |
 | Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) (PDF, 1 MB, 14pp) | | 2018 |
 | Oil and Gas Subcommittee: 2016-2017 Update and Plans for 2018-2019 (PDF, 68.9 KB, 3pp) | | 2018 |
 | One solution to rule them all: detecting every methane emitter on Earth, daily, by using high resolution methane tracking micro-satellites & AI (PDF, 7.2 MB, 32pp) | | 2018 |
 | Overview of Barriers to Financing SLCP Mitigation in the Waste Sector (PDF, 772.5 KB, 10pp) | | 2018 |
 | Overview of Fugitive Emissions Management (PDF, 474.8 KB, 8pp) | | 2018 |
 | Policy implications of methane quantification studies (PDF, 1.1 MB, 12pp) | | 2018 |
 | Public Private Partnerships for Implementing Organic Waste Treatment Projects - Experience in Viña del Mar, Chile (PDF, 614 KB, 13pp) | | 2018 |
 | Quantifying Global Methane Emissions (PDF, 794.9 KB, 9pp) | | 2018 |
 | RNG as a Transformative Force in the Ag Sector (PDF, 1.4 MB, 21pp) | | 2018 |
 | SENTRY Case Study: BHGE Digital Methane Monitoring (PDF, 1.2 MB, 4pp) | | 2018 |
 | Status and Potential of Abandoned Mine Methane (AMM) Project Development in China (PDF, 2.9 MB, 33pp) | | 2018 |
 | Tackling the Methane Challenge, Innovation in Financing Distributed Methane Reductions in the Oil & Gas Sector (PDF, 2.4 MB, 18pp) | | 2018 |
 | The ‘biogasdoneright’ concept (PDF, 4.9 MB, 26pp) | | 2018 |
 | The Platform for Digital Commodities - Upstream Natural Gas (PDF, 1.6 MB, 11pp) | | 2018 |
 | The Power of Organic Waste: Renewable Natural Gas, U.S. Perspectives on a Global Opportunity (PDF, 1.2 MB, 20pp) | | 2018 |
 | The Social Cost of Methane: Valuing Emissions to Reflect their Full Environmental Impact (PDF, 1.1 MB, 12pp) | | 2018 |
 | Ukraine Introduction to the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) Oil & Gas (O&G) Subcommittee (PDF, 222.8 KB, 8pp) | | 2018 |
 | Vehicle-based methane mapping - find gas leaks, prioritize repair (PDF, 1 MB, 10pp) | | 2018 |
 | World Energy Outlook (PDF, 506.4 KB, 6pp) | | 2018 |
 | Zooshare, an investment with pootential. Building North America's 1st zoo-biogas plant (PDF, 1.5 MB, 11pp) | | 2018 |