The meeting highlighted two presentations that demonstrate the value of capturing and using methane at wastewater treatment facilities:
- Wastewater as Resources: Water, Energy, and Food Nexus,
presented by Dr. Qiang He, University of Tennessee - How the Philadelphia Water Department moved from flaring their methane to a co-generation plant with 5.6 MW power generation,
presented by Dr. Metin Duran, Villanova University
The meeting also provided an update on the Global Methane Forum, scheduled for 28-30 March 2016 in Washington, D.C.
Organised by:
Global Methane Initiative (GMI)
Associated Documents:
- Webinar Slides (PDF, 72pp, 3,000KB)
- Webinar Recording: View the Recording Online | Download the Webinar Recording (Zipped MP4, 30MB)