This workshop featured three panel discussions covering regulations and policies affecting CMM recovery, incentives for CMM projects, and best practices for developing CMM projects in Kazakhstan and internationally.
Agenda: Russian (PDF, 2pp, 204KB), English (PDF, 2pp, 343KB)
Organized By:
The Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan, Akimat of Karaganda Region and the Global Methane Initiative
Example of Government Supportive Policy Based on Feed-in Tariffs for Renewable Energy in Kazakhstan,
Rystai Tuleubaeva, Department on Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy (PDF, 13pp, 1074KB)
Leveraging Policy Mechanisms to Improve Success of CMM Capture and Utilization in Kazakhstan,
Meredydd Evans, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, GMI Expert (PDF, 17pp, 268KB)
CMM and Carbon Cap and Trade: California, EU ETS, and Kyoto,
Michael Coté, Ruby Canyon Engineering, GMI Expert (PDF, 17pp, 610KB)
Promoting Abandoned Mine Methane in Kazakhstan: Local and International Experiences,
Vasily Morev, Karagandalikvidshakht Michael Coté, Ruby Canyon Engineering, GMI Expert (PDF, 21pp, 636KB)
Methodologies and Experience with CMM Resource Assessment,
Jonathan Kelafant, Advanced Resources International, GMI Expert (PDF, 21pp, 2144KB)
Best Practices in CMM Project Development,
Clark Talkington, Advanced Resources International, GMI Expert (PDF, 25pp, 1142KB)
Prospects for CMM Project Development in Kazakhstan,
Neil Butler, HEL-East Ltd., GMI Expert (PDF, 11pp, 367KB)