Resource Image | Resource | | Year |
 | 1st GoGCI Results! (Video, 15.8 MB) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | A Role for Public-Private Partnership in Financing (PDF, 1.3 MB, 11pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Addressing methane emissions from Canada’s oil and gas sector (PDF, 466.4 KB, 6pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Argentina Country Update (2016) (PDF, 7 MB, 31pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | ARPA-E’s MONITOR Program: Technology to Quantify Methane Emissions (PDF, 3.3 MB, 38pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Best Practices Workshop (Introductory Statements) (PDF, 841.2 KB, 8pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Biogas Wastewater Assessment Technology Tool (BioWATT) - Presentation (PDF, 827 KB, 19pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Carbon Finance Support Facility: Methane Gas Recovery and Combustion with Renewable Energy Generation from Animal Wastes Anaerobic Digestion System (PDF, 2.1 MB, 16pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Case Study: Best Practice of CMM Development and Utilization in China (PDF, 3.4 MB, 20pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | CBM and CMM Development in Mongolia – New Policies to Stimulate Clean Energy Projects (PDF, 981.4 KB, 18pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Climate Policy Pathways After Paris (PDF, 2.1 MB, 20pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | CMM Development at the Amasra Mine, Turkey (PDF, 1.2 MB, 28pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | CMM Drainage Methods and their Implication on Optimization of Safety, Economic Benefit from Coal Production and Beneficial Use of Methane, with Complimentary Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (PDF, 1 MB, 10pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Compost and Digestate Application in Europe – Quality Assurance & Standards (PDF, 1.3 MB, 29pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Converting INDCs Into Investment Strategies (PDF, 725.7 KB, 15pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Current Status on Food Waste Treatment in China (PDF, 1.3 MB, 11pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Development of Draft National Integrated Livestock Manure Management (ILMM) Policy of Bangladesh (PDF, 494.8 KB, 7pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Dominican Republic Country Update (2016) (PDF, 1 MB, 12pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Financing Strategies for Coal Mine Methane Projects in Current Markets (PDF, 82.4 KB, 2pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Finland Country Update (2016) (PDF, 218.2 KB, 8pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Frequency Comb-based Methane Sensing (Video, 4.9 MB) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Gas from Sealed Areas - A Hazard or Resource (PDF, 972.2 KB, 21pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Importance of Best Practices for Successful Project Development (PDF, 1.5 MB, 10pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Increasing the Efficiency of Horizontal In-seam Drainage (PDF, 4.2 MB, 25pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | INDCs as Drivers of Project Implementation (PDF, 472.3 KB, 15pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Indonesia R&D for Oil and Gas Industry Concern and Collaboration (PDF, 3.5 MB, 38pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Innovative Approaches to Methane Finance: the Pilot Auction Facility for Methane and Climate Mitigation (PDF, 1.1 MB, 6pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | International Cooperation: Benefit of Acting Together — The Eni’s Experience (PDF, 700.3 KB, 8pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Introduction and Livestock and Short Lived Climate Pollutants (PDF, 2.8 MB, 23pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Keynote Speech: Municipal Organic Waste - Methane and Resource Recovery in China (PDF, 2 MB, 22pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Linking Policy to Changing Conditions: Framework for Stimulating Investment (PDF, 407.2 KB, 5pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Methane Emissions in Kazakhstan ... From Measurements to Inventory Improvements (PDF, 430.4 KB, 14pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Mine Methane Capture and California Cap and Trade (PDF, 1.5 MB, 20pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Oil and Gas Methane Emissions Mitigation – Opportunities and Costs in North America (PDF, 1.1 MB, 15pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Oil and Gas Methane Emissions: Impacts, Sources, and Solutions (PDF, 1.5 MB, 20pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Opening Remarks (PDF, 290.5 KB, 7pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Opportunity for Practice Change Vietnam: Improved Manure Management Through Increased Utilization of Manure and Bioslurry (PDF, 4.8 MB, 16pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Optimizing Abandoned Mine Methane Projects (PDF, 2.2 MB, 19pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | OrganEcs - A Cost Estimating Tool for Managing Source-Separated Organics (PDF, 901.1 KB, 10pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Organics Recycling – How Policy Supports Organics Recovery Markets (PDF, 4.1 MB, 31pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Overcoming Challenges to Methane Mitigation: ADB's Experience in Asia and the Pacific (PDF, 2.5 MB, 13pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Overview of EPA Oil and Gas Activities (PDF, 420.4 KB, 12pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Perpetual Biocell - Sustainable Resource Management (PDF, 4.1 MB, 31pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Power Generation from Biogas Utilization at Landfill Sites: Norte III - Final Disposal Environmental Complex, Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, Argentina (PDF, 5.6 MB, 30pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Private Sector Development: What is the Role for Private Sector Financing? (PDF, 226.1 KB, 7pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Rio’s Sustainable Agenda for the Waste Management: The Search for Environmental and Economic Sustainability with Social Responsibility (PDF, 25.4 MB, 72pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Strategic Alliances between UNECE and GMI (PDF, 61.9 KB, 5pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Strategic Collaboration to Minimize Global Methane Emissions (PDF, 1.9 MB, 19pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Sustainability Credentials of Gas (PDF, 1.1 MB, 14pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | The Experience with CMM Development: A Case Study Focusing on Policy from China (PDF, 2.1 MB, 24pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | The Power of Waste: Biogas for Transportation in the U.S. (PDF, 2.3 MB, 21pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Turkey Country Update (2016) (PDF, 1.5 MB, 21pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | U.S. CMM Emission Reduction Projects: Public Policies, Major Barriers, and Key Incentives — A Study of Contrasts (PDF, 1 MB, 16pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | UAV-based Laser Spectroscopy for Methane Leak Measurement (Video, 5.4 MB) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Ukraine Country Update (2016) (PDF, 598.4 KB, 8pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Underground CMM Capture and Emission Reduction — A Case Study (PDF, 2.1 MB, 24pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | VIDEO: Describe the Winter School in One Word (Video, 7.9 MB) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | VIDEO: Gas explosions often cause dust explosions (Video, 170.8 MB) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | VIDEO: Reducing Methane Emissions in Oil and Gas Production (Video, 31.8 MB) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | VIDEO: Visualizing unseen methane (ASF) (Video, 5.4 MB) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | Welcome Remarks (PDF, 226.6 KB, 6pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | What Science Tells Us: Why Methane is Important (PDF, 4.3 MB, 57pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | World Bank’s Case in China (PDF, 1.2 MB, 18pp) | Presentations | 2016 |
 | World Energy Outlook 2015 (PDF, 1.3 MB, 13pp) | Presentations | 2016 |