The 20th Session of the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) Coal Subcommittee and the 9th Session of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane (CMM) met on 22-23 October 2014.
Agenda: Download Agenda (PDF, 2pp, 37KB)
Update from Administrative Support Group (ASG) and Steering Committee (PDF, 17pp, 226KB)
Monica Shimamura, ASG
Partner Country Updates
- Australia (PDF, 15pp, 935KB)
- China (PDF, 15pp, 494KB)
- Colombia (PDF, 6pp, 140KB)
- India (PDF, 13pp, 104KB)
- Poland (PDF, 11pp, 196KB)
- Turkey (PDF, 44pp, 2.8MB)
- Ukraine (PDF, 14pp, 1.8MB)
- USA (PDF, 7pp, 93KB)
Overview of North American GHG Markets Opportunities for CMM (PDF, 10pp, 260KB)
Michael Cote, Ruby Canyon Engineering
Meeting Minutes (PDF, 14pp, 180KB )
Subcommittee Business (PDF, 6pp, 1500KB)
Felicia Ruiz, co-chair