Co-hosted By: Methane to Markets Partnership, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environment Canada, and Natural Resources Canada
Tentative Schedule:
• Monday, 14 September - Site Tour
• Tuesday, 15 September - Technology Transfer Workshop
• Wednesday, 16 September - Subcommittee Meeting
The Methane to Markets events are being held in conjunction with the joint Asia Pacific Partnership and Methane to Markets Workshop.
Thursday, 17 September - Asia Pacific Partnership and Methane to Markets Partnership Workshop
• Oil & Gas Technology Transfer Workshop Agenda (PDF, 2 pp, 24 KB)
• Oil & Gas Subcommittee Agenda (PDF, 2 pp, 22 KB)
Meeting Minutes:
• Final Minutes (PDF, 11 pp, 132 KB)
Presentations for Technology Transfer Workshop:
• Methane to Markets Partnership (PDF, 16 pp, 305 KB)
Roger Fernandez, US EPA
• Methane Emissions Inventory Development in Oil and Gas Production, Gas Processing, Transmission and Distribution: Discussion of Opportunities for Oil and Gas Companies and Governments (PDF, 15 pp, 203 KB)
Don Robinson, ICF International
• Directed Inspection and Maintenance: Science Based Development of a DI&M Program for the Oil and Gas Production, Processing and Transmission Sectors (PDF, 15 pp, 203 KB)
Dave Picard, Clearstone Engineering
• Directed Inspection and Maintenance (DI&M): Techniques & Technologies for Identifying, Quantifying and Repairing Fugitive Emissions (PDF, 35 pp, 3.2 MB)
Terence Trefiak, Envirotech Engineering
• Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and Methane to Markets -Tanks BMP Development: Prediction of Evaporation Losses and Rationale for Improvements to Existing Tools (API E&P Tanks, TANKS) (PDF, 14 pp, 253 KB)
Dave Picard, Clearstone Engineering
• Methane Emissions Reductions through Vapor Recovery from Oil and Condensate Storage and Holding Tanks including Texas Air Quality Study Results (PDF, 45 pp, 2.7 MB)
Larry Richards, Hy-Bon Engineering
• Reducing Methane Emissions from Production Wells: Reduced Emission Completions in Gas Wells; Smart Automation of Gas Well Plunger Lifts - Including BP Well Venting Case Study (PDF, 28 pp, 532 KB)
Don Robinson, ICF International
• Canadian Gas Association - Gas Transportation, Storage and Distribution Fugitive Emissions Best Monitoring Practice Guidelines (PDF, 14 pp, 249 KB)
Jim Cormack, TransCanada
• Reducing Emissions from Reciprocating and Centrifugal Compressors – Including TransCanada Compressor Case Study (PDF, 21 pp, 722 KB)
Don Robinson, ICF International
• Implementation of Dry Gas Seals in Gazprom''s System (PDF, 17 pp, 1.4 MB)
Gretta Akopova, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC
• REMVue/Slipstream Case Study (PDF, 25 pp, 737 KB)
Paul Slobodnik, ConocoPhillips Canada
• Reducing Emissions from Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines: Using Hot Taps and Pipeline Pumpdown Techniques Including Case Studies from TransCanada (PDF, 21 pp, 272 KB)
Jim Cormack, TransCanada
Presentations for Subcommittee Meeting:
• Methane to Markets Partnership Expo Update (PDF, 14 pp, 211 KB)
Ashley King, ASG
• Methane to Markets Partnership ONGC''s (India) Briefing (PDF, 10 pp, 60 KB)
• ASG Update (PDF, 15 pp, 443 KB)
Ashley King, ASG
• Future of Methane to Markets: Outcomes (PDF, 9 pp, 94 KB)
Ashley King, ASG
• Mexico SEMARNAT (PDF, 10 pp, 595 KB)
• Mexico PEMEX (PDF, 26 pp, 317 KB)