On November 11 and 12 the Agriculture and Landfill Subcommittees meet in conjunction with the Wastewater Task Force in Venice, Italy. At this meeting we discussed the outcomes from the Ministerial Meeting in October and the future direction of the Partnership!
The meeting was held in conjunction with the 3rd International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, which was held on 8-11 November at the Giorgio Cini Foundation in Venice. More information about the Symposium can be found online at: http://www.venicesymposium.it/venice2010/venice.html 
Agenda: Final Agenda (PDF, 2 pp, 184 KB)
Meeting Minutes: Final Minutes (PDF, 22 pp, 149 KB) now available for review.
Presentation Proceedings:
• Global Methane Initiative ASG, Steering Committee/Ministerial Decisions Outcomes and Charge to Subcommittees (PDF, 17 pp, 106 KB)
Henry Ferland
• Environment Canada, Bio-Cancún Project (PDF, 9 pp, 294 KB)
Franck Portalupi
• Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Planning, Update of Colombia Landfill Sector Activities (PDF, 8 pp, 174 KB)
Sandra Lopez
• Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority, Landfill Gas to Energy-Combined Engine and Organic Rankine Cycle Process (PDF, 32 pp, 1.82 MB)
Dr. Petri Kuovo