
A current list of Steering Committee and Subcommittee delegates is provided below. Individuals may be listed multiple times if they participate on multiple committees. Use the dropdown menus to filter the list or search by keyword to quickly look up delegates by name or organization.

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Name Organization Country Subcommittee Chair Alternate
Abiodun AbdurrahmanDepartment of Petroleum ResourcesNigeriaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Letitia Abra-Kom NyaabaEnvironmental Protection Agency - GhanaGhanaBiogas Subcommittee  
Bahijjahtu AbubakarNigeria Federal Ministry of the EnvironmentNigeriaSteering Committee  
O. A. AfolabiNigeria Federal Ministry of the EnvironmentNigeriaBiogas Subcommittee  
O. A. AfolabiNigeria Federal Ministry of the EnvironmentNigeriaMSW Technical Group  
Gretta AkopovaGazprom VniigazRussiaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Metin AktanEge Trade AŞTurkeyCoal Subcommittee  
Faisal Al QurooniSaudi Arabia Ministry of EnergySaudi ArabiaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Faisal Al QurooniSaudi Arabia Ministry of EnergySaudi ArabiaSteering Committee Alternate
Miguel AlmadaArgentina - Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and FisheriesArgentinaAgriculture Technical Group  
Miguel AlmadaArgentina - Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and FisheriesArgentinaBiogas Subcommittee  
Faisal AlmusaSaudi Arabia Ministry of EnergySaudi ArabiaSteering Committee  
Lodoi AltangerelPetroleum Authority of Mongolia (PAM)MongoliaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Tr. AltsukhMineral Resources and Petroleum Authority Mongolia (MRPAM)MongoliaCoal Subcommittee  
Kingsley AmoakoMinistry of Food and AgricultureGhanaAgriculture Technical Group  
Kingsley AmoakoMinistry of Food and AgricultureGhanaBiogas Subcommittee  
Jane AmphlettEnvironment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)CanadaCoal Subcommittee  
Rudy ArifinIndonesia Ministry of Public WorksIndonesiaBiogas Subcommittee  
Rudy ArifinIndonesia Ministry of Public WorksIndonesiaWastewater Technical Group  
Osman A. ArikanIstanbul Technical University (ITU)TurkeyBiogas Subcommittee  
Osman A. ArikanIstanbul Technical University (ITU)TurkeyMSW Technical Group  
Chitra Ria AriskaMinistry of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic IndonesiaIndonesiaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Kofi AsanteEnergy FoundationGhanaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Eric-Michel AssamoiMinistry of Salubrity, Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentCote d'IvoireOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Paz AvilesU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)United StatesOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Mendabayar BadarchMongolian Nature and Environment Consortium (MNEC)MongoliaCoal Subcommittee  
Dong BaochengRural Energy & Environment AgencyChinaBiogas Subcommittee  
Basharat BashirAlternative Energy Development Board (AEDB)PakistanBiogas Subcommittee  
Basharat BashirAlternative Energy Development Board (AEDB)PakistanCoal Subcommittee  
Basharat BashirAlternative Energy Development Board (AEDB)PakistanMSW Technical Group  
Basharat BashirAlternative Energy Development Board (AEDB)PakistanOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Basharat BashirAlternative Energy Development Board (AEDB)PakistanWastewater Technical Group  
Juliana BempahEnvironmental Protection Agency - GhanaGhanaSteering Committee Alternate
Barış BilgenTurkey Ministry of Energy and Natural ResourcesTurkeySteering Committee Alternate
Juliana BoatengEnvironmental Applications and Technology CentreGhanaBiogas Subcommittee  
Juliana BoatengEnvironmental Applications and Technology CentreGhanaMSW Technical Group  
Anna BOJANOWICZ - BABLOKInstitute of Environmental ProtectionPolandAgriculture Technical Group  
Anna BOJANOWICZ - BABLOKInstitute of Environmental ProtectionPolandBiogas Subcommittee  
Anna BOJANOWICZ - BABLOKInstitute of Environmental ProtectionPolandMSW Technical Group  
Anna BOJANOWICZ - BABLOKInstitute of Environmental ProtectionPolandWastewater Technical Group  
Ange Benjamin BridaMinistry of Salubrity, Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentCote d'IvoireOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Abdullah ÇiftçiTurkish Coal EnterprisesTurkeyCoal Subcommittee  
Abdullah ÇiftçiTurkish Coal EnterprisesTurkeySteering Committee  
Patrick CoatarPeterU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)United StatesBiogas SubcommitteeChair 
Julius Cudjoe AhiekporKumasi Technical UniversityGhanaBiogas Subcommittee  
Joanna DarskaPoland Ministry of the EnvironmentPolandBiogas Subcommittee  
Joanna DarskaPoland Ministry of the EnvironmentPolandMSW Technical Group  
Diane de KerckhoveEnvironment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)CanadaSteering Committee  
Mírian de OliveiraMinistry of Environment and Climate ChangeBrazilBiogas Subcommittee  
Álife Boernerges de Oliveira CamposMinistry of Environment and Climate ChangeBrazilBiogas Subcommittee  
Peter DeryGhana Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and InnovationGhanaSteering Committee  
Brendan DevlinEuropean Commission, Directorate General for EnergyEuropean CommissionAgriculture Technical Group  
Brendan DevlinEuropean Commission, Directorate General for EnergyEuropean CommissionBiogas Subcommittee  
Brendan DevlinEuropean Commission, Directorate General for EnergyEuropean CommissionMSW Technical Group  
Brendan DevlinEuropean Commission, Directorate General for EnergyEuropean CommissionOil & Gas Subcommittee  
James DiamondEnvironment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)CanadaOil & Gas SubcommitteeChair 
J.A.T. DilhaniSri Lanka Sustainable Energy AuthoritySri LankaBiogas Subcommittee  
J.A.T. DilhaniSri Lanka Sustainable Energy AuthoritySri LankaMSW Technical Group  
Tugba DincbasMinistry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate ChangeTurkeySteering Committee  
Djordje DjatkovUniversity of Novi SadSerbiaAgriculture Technical Group  
Djordje DjatkovUniversity of Novi SadSerbiaBiogas Subcommittee  
Djordje DjatkovUniversity of Novi SadSerbiaMSW Technical Group  
Djordje DjatkovUniversity of Novi SadSerbiaWastewater Technical Group  
Sandra DokicSerbian Ministry of Environmental ProtectionSerbiaSteering Committee  
Amin Dzamla-GboCote d'Ivoire Ministry of Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentCote d'IvoireBiogas Subcommittee  
Edu EffiomCross River State Council on Climate ChangeNigeriaBiogas Subcommittee  
Ochir EnkhbayarPetroleum Authority of Mongolia (PAM)MongoliaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Roberto FarinaItalian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy & Sustainable Economic Dev.ItalyAgriculture Technical Group  
Roberto FarinaItalian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy & Sustainable Economic Dev.ItalyBiogas Subcommittee  
Roberto FarinaItalian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy & Sustainable Economic Dev.ItalyWastewater Technical Group  
Godfred Fiifi BoadiMinistry of Sanitation and Water ResourcesGhanaBiogas SubcommitteeChair 
Melih Firat AyazMinistry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate ChangeTurkeySteering Committee Alternate
Abdullah FisneIstanbul Technical University (ITU)TurkeyCoal Subcommittee  
Pamela FranklinU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)United StatesSteering Committee Alternate
Kemal GrbovićMinistry of Ecology, Spatial Planning, and UrbanismMontenegroBiogas Subcommittee  
Federico GrullonNational Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)Dominican RepublicAgriculture Technical Group  
Federico GrullonNational Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)Dominican RepublicBiogas Subcommittee  
Federico GrullonNational Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)Dominican RepublicMSW Technical Group  
Federico GrullonNational Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)Dominican RepublicWastewater Technical GroupChair 
Claudia GuerreroMinistry of Environment of ChileChileAgriculture Technical Group  
Claudia GuerreroMinistry of Environment of ChileChileBiogas Subcommittee  
Hua GuoThe Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)AustraliaCoal Subcommittee  
Jenia GutmanIsrael Ministry of Environmental ProtectionIsraelBiogas Subcommittee  
Xu HaiyunChina Urban Construction Design and Research InstituteChinaBiogas Subcommittee  
Matt HamiltonEnvironment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)CanadaAgriculture Technical GroupChair 
Matt HamiltonEnvironment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)CanadaBiogas SubcommitteeChair 
Matt HamiltonEnvironment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)CanadaMSW Technical GroupChair 
Matt HamiltonEnvironment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)CanadaWastewater Technical GroupChair 
Kristian Havskov SorensenDanish Energy AgencyDenmarkBiogas Subcommittee  
Agustin HermawanMinistry of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic IndonesiaIndonesiaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Lemesa Hirpe WariEnvironmental Protection Authority - EthiopiaEthiopiaBiogas Subcommittee  
Lemesa Hirpe WariEnvironmental Protection Authority - EthiopiaEthiopiaCoal Subcommittee  
Lemesa Hirpe WariEnvironmental Protection Authority - EthiopiaEthiopiaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Lee Hoh YeonRepublic of Korea Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE)Republic of KoreaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Jairo HomezMinistry of the Environment and Sustainable Development of ColombiaColombiaAgriculture Technical Group  
Jairo HomezMinistry of the Environment and Sustainable Development of ColombiaColombiaBiogas Subcommittee  
Andrés IntriagoMunicipality of GuayaquilEcuadorBiogas Subcommittee  
Andrés IntriagoMunicipality of GuayaquilEcuadorMSW Technical Group  
Masumi ItoJapan Ministry of Economy, Trade and IndustryJapanOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Nathalie JacobsenDanish Energy AgencyDenmarkAgriculture Technical Group  
Nathalie JacobsenDanish Energy AgencyDenmarkBiogas Subcommittee  
Dinesh Dayanand JagdaleIndia Ministry of New and Renewable EnergyIndiaBiogas Subcommittee  
Asmau JibrilNigeria Federal Ministry of the EnvironmentNigeriaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Igor JovanovićMinistry of Ecology, Spatial Planning, and UrbanismMontenegroBiogas Subcommittee  
C. Ozgen KaracanU.S. Geological SurveyUnited StatesCoal Subcommittee  
Ana Karanfilova MaznevskaMinistry of Environment and Physical PlanningRepublic of North MacedoniaBiogas Subcommittee  
Olatokunbo KarimuDepartment of Petroleum ResourcesNigeriaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Erkan KarisliASKİ Genel MüdürlüğüTurkeyBiogas Subcommittee  
Erkan KarisliASKİ Genel MüdürlüğüTurkeyWastewater Technical Group  
Jennifer KerrEnvironment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)CanadaSteering Committee  
Muhammad Abdul KholiqNational Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)IndonesiaSteering Committee  
Purevdorj KhurelkhuuMinistry of Mining and Energy of MongoliaMongoliaCoal Subcommittee  
Purevdorj KhurelkhuuMinistry of Mining and Energy of MongoliaMongoliaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Shigeyuki KimuraJapan Ministry of Economy, Trade and IndustryJapanCoal Subcommittee  
Ruslan KoblanulyKazakhstan Ministry of EnergyKazakhstanCoal Subcommittee  
Tiangoua KoneMinistry of Salubrity, Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentCote d'IvoireBiogas Subcommittee  
Larry KotoeEnvironmental Protection Agency - GhanaGhanaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Armand KouhonPETROCI HoldingsCote d'IvoireOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Ajay KumarCentral Mine Planning & Design Institute Ltd (CMPDI)IndiaSteering Committee  
Manoj KumarCentral Mine Planning & Design Institute Ltd (CMPDI)IndiaCoal SubcommitteeChair 
Manoj KumarCentral Mine Planning & Design Institute Ltd (CMPDI)IndiaSteering Committee  
Bikesh Kumar PandeyCentral Mine Planning & Design Institute Ltd (CMPDI)IndiaSteering Committee Alternate
Kaarle KupiainenFinland Ministry of the EnvironmentFinlandSteering Committee  
Sandra LazicSerbian Ministry of Environmental ProtectionSerbiaBiogas Subcommittee  
Yong-hwan LeeMinistry of Knowledge EconomyRepublic of KoreaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Sharyn LieU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)United StatesSteering Committee  
Yuhei MaruyamaJapan Ministry of Economy, Trade and IndustryJapanOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Andrew McFarlanDepartment of Natural Resources CanadaCanadaBiogas Subcommittee  
Sidney MedeirosBrazilian Ministry of Agriculture and LivestockBrazilBiogas Subcommittee  
Dragana MehandžićSerbian Ministry of Environmental ProtectionSerbiaBiogas Subcommittee  
Dragana MehandžićSerbian Ministry of Environmental ProtectionSerbiaSteering Committee  
Andrew MeluchU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)United StatesOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Gyimah MohammedGhana Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and InnovationGhanaBiogas Subcommittee  
Mutala MohammedInstitute for Sustainable Energy and Environmental SolutionsGhanaBiogas Subcommittee  
Giselle MoritánArgentina Secretary of EnergyArgentinaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Joanna NiemczewskaOil and Gas Institute (INIG) of PolandPolandOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Ilan NissimIsrael Ministry of EnergyIsraelOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Hatice ÖncüTurkish Coal EnterprisesTurkeyCoal Subcommittee  
Emre ÖzgürTurkey Ministry of Energy and Natural ResourcesTurkeyOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Justin PryorU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)United StatesOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Berioska QuispePeru Ministry of the EnvironmentPeruAgriculture Technical Group  
Berioska QuispePeru Ministry of the EnvironmentPeruBiogas Subcommittee  
Rila Albani RakotomananaMinistry of the Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentMadagascarBiogas Subcommittee  
Alberto Rocha NetoMinistry of Environment and Climate ChangeBrazilBiogas Subcommittee  
Volha RoshchankaU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)United StatesCoal SubcommitteeChair 
Kobenan Guilaume SahodeMinistry of Salubrity, Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentCote d'IvoireBiogas Subcommittee  
Mohammed SaniNigeria Federal Ministry of the EnvironmentNigeriaSteering Committee  
Anja SchwetjeGermany Federal Environment Agency (UBA)GermanyBiogas Subcommittee  
Anja SchwetjeGermany Federal Environment Agency (UBA)GermanyMSW Technical Group  
Jacek SkibaCentral Mining Institute of Katowice, PolandPolandCoal Subcommittee  
Ujang Solihin SidikMinistry of Environment of IndonesiaIndonesiaBiogas Subcommittee  
Ujang Solihin SidikMinistry of Environment of IndonesiaIndonesiaMSW Technical Group  
Putu SuardanaMinistry of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic IndonesiaIndonesiaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Vismita TejMinistry of Coal of IndiaIndiaSteering CommitteeChair 
Demchig TserenkhandMineral Resources and Petroleum Authority Mongolia (MRPAM)MongoliaCoal Subcommittee  
Metin TuranYeditepe UniversityTurkeyAgriculture Technical Group  
Metin TuranYeditepe UniversityTurkeyBiogas Subcommittee  
Daniel Tutu BenefohEnvironmental Protection Agency - GhanaGhanaBiogas Subcommittee  
Daniel Tutu BenefohEnvironmental Protection Agency - GhanaGhanaSteering CommitteeChair 
Daniel Tutu BenefohEnvironmental Protection Agency - GhanaGhanaWastewater Technical Group  
Leonid TverdokhlebovCCD RosnedraRussiaOil & Gas Subcommittee  
Roberto UrquizoGovernment of the Province of GuayasEcuadorAgriculture Technical Group  
Roberto UrquizoGovernment of the Province of GuayasEcuadorBiogas Subcommittee  
Birgitta Vainio-MattilaFinland Ministry of Agriculture and ForestryFinlandAgriculture Technical Group  
Birgitta Vainio-MattilaFinland Ministry of Agriculture and ForestryFinlandBiogas Subcommittee  
Andrew VanderzaagAgriculture and Agri-Food CanadaCanadaAgriculture Technical Group  
Andrew VanderzaagAgriculture and Agri-Food CanadaCanadaBiogas Subcommittee  
Andrew VanderzaagAgriculture and Agri-Food CanadaCanadaMSW Technical Group  
Andrew VanderzaagAgriculture and Agri-Food CanadaCanadaWastewater Technical Group  
Goran VujicUniversity of Novi SadSerbiaAgriculture Technical Group  
Goran VujicUniversity of Novi SadSerbiaBiogas Subcommittee  
Goran VujicUniversity of Novi SadSerbiaMSW Technical Group  
Goran VujicUniversity of Novi SadSerbiaWastewater Technical Group  
Michael WeaverU.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)United StatesSteering Committee  
Maria WellischAgriculture and Agri-Food CanadaCanadaBiogas Subcommittee  
Liu WengeChina Coal Information Institute (CCII)ChinaCoal SubcommitteeChair 
Liu WengeChina Coal Information Institute (CCII)ChinaSteering Committee Alternate
Ravi Shankar YadavCentral Mine Planning & Design Institute Ltd (CMPDI)IndiaSteering Committee Alternate
Liu YangChina Ministry of Ecology and EnvironmentChinaSteering Committee  
Igor YashchenkoMinistry of Energy and Coal Industry of UkraineUkraineCoal Subcommittee