Abiodun Abdurrahman | Department of Petroleum Resources | Nigeria | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Letitia Abra-Kom Nyaaba | Environmental Protection Agency - Ghana | Ghana | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Bahijjahtu Abubakar | Nigeria Federal Ministry of the Environment | Nigeria | Steering Committee | | |
O. A. Afolabi | Nigeria Federal Ministry of the Environment | Nigeria | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
O. A. Afolabi | Nigeria Federal Ministry of the Environment | Nigeria | MSW Technical Group | | |
Gretta Akopova | Gazprom Vniigaz | Russia | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Metin Aktan | Ege Trade AŞ | Turkey | Coal Subcommittee | | |
Faisal Al Qurooni | Saudi Arabia Ministry of Energy | Saudi Arabia | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Faisal Al Qurooni | Saudi Arabia Ministry of Energy | Saudi Arabia | Steering Committee | | Alternate |
Miguel Almada | Argentina - Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries | Argentina | Agriculture Technical Group | | |
Miguel Almada | Argentina - Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries | Argentina | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Faisal Almusa | Saudi Arabia Ministry of Energy | Saudi Arabia | Steering Committee | | |
Lodoi Altangerel | Petroleum Authority of Mongolia (PAM) | Mongolia | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Tr. Altsukh | Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority Mongolia (MRPAM) | Mongolia | Coal Subcommittee | | |
Kingsley Amoako | Ministry of Food and Agriculture | Ghana | Agriculture Technical Group | | |
Kingsley Amoako | Ministry of Food and Agriculture | Ghana | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Jane Amphlett | Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) | Canada | Coal Subcommittee | | |
Rudy Arifin | Indonesia Ministry of Public Works | Indonesia | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Rudy Arifin | Indonesia Ministry of Public Works | Indonesia | Wastewater Technical Group | | |
Osman A. Arikan | Istanbul Technical University (ITU) | Turkey | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Osman A. Arikan | Istanbul Technical University (ITU) | Turkey | MSW Technical Group | | |
Chitra Ria Ariska | Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic Indonesia | Indonesia | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Kofi Asante | Energy Foundation | Ghana | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Eric-Michel Assamoi | Ministry of Salubrity, Environment and Sustainable Development | Cote d'Ivoire | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Paz Aviles | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | United States | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Mendabayar Badarch | Mongolian Nature and Environment Consortium (MNEC) | Mongolia | Coal Subcommittee | | |
Dong Baocheng | Rural Energy & Environment Agency | China | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Basharat Bashir | Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) | Pakistan | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Basharat Bashir | Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) | Pakistan | Coal Subcommittee | | |
Basharat Bashir | Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) | Pakistan | MSW Technical Group | | |
Basharat Bashir | Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) | Pakistan | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Basharat Bashir | Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) | Pakistan | Wastewater Technical Group | | |
Juliana Bempah | Environmental Protection Agency - Ghana | Ghana | Steering Committee | | Alternate |
Barış Bilgen | Turkey Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources | Turkey | Steering Committee | | Alternate |
Juliana Boateng | Environmental Applications and Technology Centre | Ghana | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Juliana Boateng | Environmental Applications and Technology Centre | Ghana | MSW Technical Group | | |
Anna BOJANOWICZ - BABLOK | Institute of Environmental Protection | Poland | Agriculture Technical Group | | |
Anna BOJANOWICZ - BABLOK | Institute of Environmental Protection | Poland | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Anna BOJANOWICZ - BABLOK | Institute of Environmental Protection | Poland | MSW Technical Group | | |
Anna BOJANOWICZ - BABLOK | Institute of Environmental Protection | Poland | Wastewater Technical Group | | |
Ange Benjamin Brida | Ministry of Salubrity, Environment and Sustainable Development | Cote d'Ivoire | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Abdullah Çiftçi | Turkish Coal Enterprises | Turkey | Coal Subcommittee | | |
Abdullah Çiftçi | Turkish Coal Enterprises | Turkey | Steering Committee | | |
Patrick CoatarPeter | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | United States | Biogas Subcommittee | Chair | |
Julius Cudjoe Ahiekpor | Kumasi Technical University | Ghana | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Joanna Darska | Poland Ministry of the Environment | Poland | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Joanna Darska | Poland Ministry of the Environment | Poland | MSW Technical Group | | |
Diane de Kerckhove | Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) | Canada | Steering Committee | | |
Mírian de Oliveira | Ministry of Environment and Climate Change | Brazil | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Álife Boernerges de Oliveira Campos | Ministry of Environment and Climate Change | Brazil | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Peter Dery | Ghana Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation | Ghana | Steering Committee | | |
Brendan Devlin | European Commission, Directorate General for Energy | European Commission | Agriculture Technical Group | | |
Brendan Devlin | European Commission, Directorate General for Energy | European Commission | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Brendan Devlin | European Commission, Directorate General for Energy | European Commission | MSW Technical Group | | |
Brendan Devlin | European Commission, Directorate General for Energy | European Commission | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
James Diamond | Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) | Canada | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | Chair | |
J.A.T. Dilhani | Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority | Sri Lanka | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
J.A.T. Dilhani | Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority | Sri Lanka | MSW Technical Group | | |
Tugba Dincbas | Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change | Turkey | Steering Committee | | |
Djordje Djatkov | University of Novi Sad | Serbia | Agriculture Technical Group | | |
Djordje Djatkov | University of Novi Sad | Serbia | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Djordje Djatkov | University of Novi Sad | Serbia | MSW Technical Group | | |
Djordje Djatkov | University of Novi Sad | Serbia | Wastewater Technical Group | | |
Sandra Dokic | Serbian Ministry of Environmental Protection | Serbia | Steering Committee | | |
Amin Dzamla-Gbo | Cote d'Ivoire Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development | Cote d'Ivoire | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Edu Effiom | Cross River State Council on Climate Change | Nigeria | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Ochir Enkhbayar | Petroleum Authority of Mongolia (PAM) | Mongolia | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Roberto Farina | Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy & Sustainable Economic Dev. | Italy | Agriculture Technical Group | | |
Roberto Farina | Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy & Sustainable Economic Dev. | Italy | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Roberto Farina | Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy & Sustainable Economic Dev. | Italy | Wastewater Technical Group | | |
Godfred Fiifi Boadi | Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources | Ghana | Biogas Subcommittee | Chair | |
Melih Firat Ayaz | Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change | Turkey | Steering Committee | | Alternate |
Abdullah Fisne | Istanbul Technical University (ITU) | Turkey | Coal Subcommittee | | |
Pamela Franklin | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | United States | Steering Committee | | Alternate |
Kemal Grbović | Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning, and Urbanism | Montenegro | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Federico Grullon | National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) | Dominican Republic | Agriculture Technical Group | | |
Federico Grullon | National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) | Dominican Republic | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Federico Grullon | National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) | Dominican Republic | MSW Technical Group | | |
Federico Grullon | National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) | Dominican Republic | Wastewater Technical Group | Chair | |
Claudia Guerrero | Ministry of Environment of Chile | Chile | Agriculture Technical Group | | |
Claudia Guerrero | Ministry of Environment of Chile | Chile | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Hua Guo | The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) | Australia | Coal Subcommittee | | |
Jenia Gutman | Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection | Israel | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Xu Haiyun | China Urban Construction Design and Research Institute | China | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Matt Hamilton | Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) | Canada | Agriculture Technical Group | Chair | |
Matt Hamilton | Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) | Canada | Biogas Subcommittee | Chair | |
Matt Hamilton | Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) | Canada | MSW Technical Group | Chair | |
Matt Hamilton | Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) | Canada | Wastewater Technical Group | Chair | |
Kristian Havskov Sorensen | Danish Energy Agency | Denmark | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Agustin Hermawan | Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic Indonesia | Indonesia | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Lemesa Hirpe Wari | Environmental Protection Authority - Ethiopia | Ethiopia | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Lemesa Hirpe Wari | Environmental Protection Authority - Ethiopia | Ethiopia | Coal Subcommittee | | |
Lemesa Hirpe Wari | Environmental Protection Authority - Ethiopia | Ethiopia | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Lee Hoh Yeon | Republic of Korea Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE) | Republic of Korea | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Jairo Homez | Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia | Colombia | Agriculture Technical Group | | |
Jairo Homez | Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia | Colombia | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Andrés Intriago | Municipality of Guayaquil | Ecuador | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Andrés Intriago | Municipality of Guayaquil | Ecuador | MSW Technical Group | | |
Masumi Ito | Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry | Japan | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Nathalie Jacobsen | Danish Energy Agency | Denmark | Agriculture Technical Group | | |
Nathalie Jacobsen | Danish Energy Agency | Denmark | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Dinesh Dayanand Jagdale | India Ministry of New and Renewable Energy | India | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Asmau Jibril | Nigeria Federal Ministry of the Environment | Nigeria | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Igor Jovanović | Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning, and Urbanism | Montenegro | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
C. Ozgen Karacan | U.S. Geological Survey | United States | Coal Subcommittee | | |
Ana Karanfilova Maznevska | Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning | Republic of North Macedonia | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Olatokunbo Karimu | Department of Petroleum Resources | Nigeria | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Erkan Karisli | ASKİ Genel Müdürlüğü | Turkey | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Erkan Karisli | ASKİ Genel Müdürlüğü | Turkey | Wastewater Technical Group | | |
Jennifer Kerr | Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) | Canada | Steering Committee | | |
Muhammad Abdul Kholiq | National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) | Indonesia | Steering Committee | | |
Purevdorj Khurelkhuu | Ministry of Mining and Energy of Mongolia | Mongolia | Coal Subcommittee | | |
Purevdorj Khurelkhuu | Ministry of Mining and Energy of Mongolia | Mongolia | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Shigeyuki Kimura | Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry | Japan | Coal Subcommittee | | |
Ruslan Koblanuly | Kazakhstan Ministry of Energy | Kazakhstan | Coal Subcommittee | | |
Tiangoua Kone | Ministry of Salubrity, Environment and Sustainable Development | Cote d'Ivoire | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Larry Kotoe | Environmental Protection Agency - Ghana | Ghana | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Armand Kouhon | PETROCI Holdings | Cote d'Ivoire | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Ajay Kumar | Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Ltd (CMPDI) | India | Steering Committee | | |
Manoj Kumar | Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Ltd (CMPDI) | India | Coal Subcommittee | Chair | |
Manoj Kumar | Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Ltd (CMPDI) | India | Steering Committee | | |
Bikesh Kumar Pandey | Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Ltd (CMPDI) | India | Steering Committee | | Alternate |
Kaarle Kupiainen | Finland Ministry of the Environment | Finland | Steering Committee | | |
Sandra Lazic | Serbian Ministry of Environmental Protection | Serbia | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Yong-hwan Lee | Ministry of Knowledge Economy | Republic of Korea | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Sharyn Lie | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | United States | Steering Committee | | |
Yuhei Maruyama | Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry | Japan | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Andrew McFarlan | Department of Natural Resources Canada | Canada | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Sidney Medeiros | Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock | Brazil | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Dragana Mehandžić | Serbian Ministry of Environmental Protection | Serbia | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Dragana Mehandžić | Serbian Ministry of Environmental Protection | Serbia | Steering Committee | | |
Andrew Meluch | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | United States | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Gyimah Mohammed | Ghana Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation | Ghana | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Mutala Mohammed | Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Solutions | Ghana | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Giselle Moritán | Argentina Secretary of Energy | Argentina | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Joanna Niemczewska | Oil and Gas Institute (INIG) of Poland | Poland | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Ilan Nissim | Israel Ministry of Energy | Israel | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Hatice Öncü | Turkish Coal Enterprises | Turkey | Coal Subcommittee | | |
Emre Özgür | Turkey Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources | Turkey | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Justin Pryor | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | United States | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Berioska Quispe | Peru Ministry of the Environment | Peru | Agriculture Technical Group | | |
Berioska Quispe | Peru Ministry of the Environment | Peru | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Rila Albani Rakotomanana | Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development | Madagascar | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Alberto Rocha Neto | Ministry of Environment and Climate Change | Brazil | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Volha Roshchanka | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | United States | Coal Subcommittee | Chair | |
Kobenan Guilaume Sahode | Ministry of Salubrity, Environment and Sustainable Development | Cote d'Ivoire | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Mohammed Sani | Nigeria Federal Ministry of the Environment | Nigeria | Steering Committee | | |
Anja Schwetje | Germany Federal Environment Agency (UBA) | Germany | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Anja Schwetje | Germany Federal Environment Agency (UBA) | Germany | MSW Technical Group | | |
Jacek Skiba | Central Mining Institute of Katowice, Poland | Poland | Coal Subcommittee | | |
Ujang Solihin Sidik | Ministry of Environment of Indonesia | Indonesia | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Ujang Solihin Sidik | Ministry of Environment of Indonesia | Indonesia | MSW Technical Group | | |
Putu Suardana | Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic Indonesia | Indonesia | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Vismita Tej | Ministry of Coal of India | India | Steering Committee | Chair | |
Demchig Tserenkhand | Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority Mongolia (MRPAM) | Mongolia | Coal Subcommittee | | |
Metin Turan | Yeditepe University | Turkey | Agriculture Technical Group | | |
Metin Turan | Yeditepe University | Turkey | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Daniel Tutu Benefoh | Environmental Protection Agency - Ghana | Ghana | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Daniel Tutu Benefoh | Environmental Protection Agency - Ghana | Ghana | Steering Committee | Chair | |
Daniel Tutu Benefoh | Environmental Protection Agency - Ghana | Ghana | Wastewater Technical Group | | |
Leonid Tverdokhlebov | CCD Rosnedra | Russia | Oil & Gas Subcommittee | | |
Roberto Urquizo | Government of the Province of Guayas | Ecuador | Agriculture Technical Group | | |
Roberto Urquizo | Government of the Province of Guayas | Ecuador | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Birgitta Vainio-Mattila | Finland Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry | Finland | Agriculture Technical Group | | |
Birgitta Vainio-Mattila | Finland Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry | Finland | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Andrew Vanderzaag | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Canada | Agriculture Technical Group | | |
Andrew Vanderzaag | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Canada | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Andrew Vanderzaag | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Canada | MSW Technical Group | | |
Andrew Vanderzaag | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Canada | Wastewater Technical Group | | |
Goran Vujic | University of Novi Sad | Serbia | Agriculture Technical Group | | |
Goran Vujic | University of Novi Sad | Serbia | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Goran Vujic | University of Novi Sad | Serbia | MSW Technical Group | | |
Goran Vujic | University of Novi Sad | Serbia | Wastewater Technical Group | | |
Michael Weaver | U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) | United States | Steering Committee | | |
Maria Wellisch | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Canada | Biogas Subcommittee | | |
Liu Wenge | China Coal Information Institute (CCII) | China | Coal Subcommittee | Chair | |
Liu Wenge | China Coal Information Institute (CCII) | China | Steering Committee | | Alternate |
Ravi Shankar Yadav | Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Ltd (CMPDI) | India | Steering Committee | | Alternate |
Liu Yang | China Ministry of Ecology and Environment | China | Steering Committee | | |
Igor Yashchenko | Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine | Ukraine | Coal Subcommittee | | |