Methane International

Issue 25, August 2011

See You in Krakow!

Krakow, PolandPartner Country representatives, government leaders, and technical experts from around the globe will gather on 12-14 October 2011 for the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) Partnership-wide meeting. Working with the government of Poland, GMI is hosting the meeting in Krakow. In addition to exciting plenary sessions focusing on the reduction and utilization of methane emissions, the meeting will feature:

Each subcommittee is assembling its technical and policy sessions and will announce more information soon. A preliminary agenda (PDF, 10 pp, 86K) is available.

For more details on the meeting visit the GMI website.

UNECE Convenes in Krakow

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) will hold an open meeting the day before the GMI event on11 October. The agenda includes a discussion of the additions and changes to the Best Practice Guidance on Effective Methane Drainage and Use in Coal Mines (PDF, 86 pp, 1.9 MB) Exiting Global Methane Initiative updates on projects incorporating the best practices, and outcomes from workshops in the past year. More information is available on the UNECE website Exiting Global Methane Initiative.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Awards $4 Million in Grants

2011 Grant Solicitation Coming in September

The U.S. EPA anticipates announcing a new 2011 solicitation for grant proposals to fund projects to advance the abatement, recovery and use of methane as a clean energy source this coming September. Please check the GMI website for detailed grant information in late September.

Continuing its ongoing commitment to advance project development and reduce methane emissions, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded funds for 27 grants in GMI countries. Projects receiving funding include feasibility studies, training and capacity building, and national methane inventories. Recipients were selected from a competitive field of applicants and will support the Initiative's goals of reducing methane emissions and advancing project development in 17 Partner Countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Ethiopia, Mexico, Mongolia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, and Vietnam. The U.S. EPA has awarded over $13 million in grants to more than 70 methane emission projects since the Initiative began six years ago.

New Tools Help China Capture Fugitive Methane Emissions

GMI provided technical guidance to the China National Petroleum Corporation's (CNPC) Research Institute for Safety and Environmental Technologies that resulted in the purchase of equipment to capture fugitive emissions from oil and gas pipelines. The equipment is being used to assess leaks in order to evaluate and adopt cost-effective technologies and practices to reduce fugitive methane emissions. CNPC tools included:

Landfill Feasibility Study Completed in Ukraine

Pump test at landfill in Ukraine.
Pump test at landfill in Ukraine.

In April 2011, GMI, with the help of Project Network member Renewable Energy Agency (REA) in Ukraine and U.S. EPA's Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP), completed a feasibility study for the Chernihiv Landfill in Chernihiv, Ukraine. The feasibility study evaluated the economic viability of landfill gas (LFG) collection systems and project implementation for the Chernihiv Landfill, where owners had expressed interest in developing an LFG energy project. The REA performed a pump test and oversaw the installation of a flare to burn collected methane. The feasibility study concluded that the landfill is a viable candidate for an LFG energy project. Currently, the landfill is negotiating to sell the gas to a nearby district heating facility.

GMI Travels to Europe

In June 2011, GMI traveled to Europe to work with organizations in the United Kingdom (UK) and Germany to discuss GMI's expanded scope of methane abatement and to learn more about their climate policies and how GMI and these two partner countries could collaborate.

GMI Outreach

Highlighted below are recent outreach events and workshops.

Trainees provide hands-on assistance in installing gas pipes at Biotech in the Philippines. Trainees provide hands-on assistance in installing gas pipes at Biotech in the Philippines.

Upcoming Outreach Activities

Save the Date!

On 23 September 2011, GMI will be hosting the 1st Asia Pacific Global Methane Initiative Oil and Gas Sector Workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia. This workshop will include a discussion of ways to reduce methane emissions from oil and gas facilities as well as a demonstration of infra-red camera detection of methane emissions and venting.

The agenda and registration are available on the GMI website.

Recent Developments and Resources

Source: FirmGreen, "U.S. Energy Company FirmGreen Creates Jobs, Turning Trash into Fuel," Exiting Global Methane Initiative 14 June 2011.