Methane International

Issue 15, November 2009

Sooner Than You Think...Register Now for the 2010 Partnership Expo

2009 Expo banner

No need to wait—registration Exiting Global Methane Initiative for the 2010 Partnership Expo is now available. Use the Partnership Expo to showcase and learn about the latest methane mitigation projects and technologies, meet with potential partners and financiers, explore key technical, financial, and policy issues, and interact with high-level government agencies. The Methane to Markets Partnership has posted a preliminary agenda (PDF, 2 pp., 25 KB) with the outline of the events taking place from 2 to 5 March 2010. Check back soon for hotel reservation information.

Call for Projects
Do you want to showcase your project at the Expo in New Delhi? The Methane to Markets Partnership has issued its call for projects. Simply download and complete the appropriate template for your sector and send it to the Administrative Support Group (ASG) by 15 November 2009.

Sponsor the Expo
Sponsoring the Partnership Expo is one of the best ways to raise your organization's profile at the world's largest and most prestigious international gathering for methane professionals. You will receive complimentary entrance tickets and secure prime space to display your project opportunities and technologies. Application forms and details are available.

New Chair and Partners Tackle Partnership Matters in Washington, D.C.

Steering Committee photoHigh-level representatives from 14 Methane to Markets Partner Governments met in Washington, D.C., in September at the 6th meeting of the Methane to Markets Steering Committee to discuss the progress of the Partnership and its direction in the year to come. Gina McCarthy, the new Steering Committee Chair and U.S. EPA Office of Air and Radiation Assistant Administrator, chaired the meeting, moderating discussions over a wide range of topics.

The Steering Committee admitted the Dominican Republic into the Partnership, extended the Partnership's Terms of Reference (TOR) for another year, established a task force to solicit Partner input regarding the inclusion of the wastewater sector within the Partnership's scope, and agreed to coordinate an Expo session on enteric fermentation and rice cultivation to further gauge Partner interest in these sectors. The Steering Committee members also agreed to plan a ministerial event in 2010 in conjunction with a Conference of the Parties (COP) Ministerial Meeting in Mexico, where a draft TOR will be discussed. At the next Steering Committee meeting, to be held in conjunction with the 2010 Partnership Expo, members will consider changes to enhance the TOR.

Subcommittees Prepare for Expo and More

photo from Agriculture MeetingOn 3 September 2009, the Agricultural Subcommittee members held a meeting in Guangzhou, China. The Subcommittee discussed preparations for the 2010 Partnership Expo, considered incorporating enteric fermentation and rice cultivation into the scope of the Partnership, and developed recommendations for the Steering Committee on that topic. The Subcommittee also reviewed newly developed draft protocols for anaerobic digesters. Held in conjunction with the International Conference on Water Pollution Reduction and Climate Change Mitigation, the meeting also included site visits. Participants visited three swine farms with anaerobic digester projects and a village where the residents use biogas for cooking and heating water.

Coal Mines
photo from Coal MeetingOn 12 October 2009, the Coal Subcommittee met in Geneva, Switzerland, in conjunction with the meeting of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Fifth Session of the Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane Exiting Global Methane Initiative. Representatives from both Partner Countries and the Project Network shared their plans for participation in the 2010 Partnership Expo and discussed ideas for four coal-specific sessions. Additionally, the Subcommittee reviewed the call for presentations and call for project opportunities issued over the summer and ways in which Partners and Project Network members could become involved in the 2010 Expo, such as showcasing posters, making presentations, and becoming sponsors.

photo from Landfill MeetingOn 21 September 2009, the Landfill Subcommittee met in Long Beach, California. The Subcommittee focused on preparing for the 2010 Partnership Expo, considered topics for a session on landfill policy and technical training opportunities. At the request of the Steering Committee, the Subcommittee also considered wastewater as a new source for Partnership activities, ultimately recommending its inclusion in the Partnership under the work of the Landfill Subcommittee. Representatives from Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Poland, and the United States attended the meeting, along with Project Network members.

Oil and Gas Systems
photo from Oil and Gas MeetingOn 16 September 2009, the Oil and Gas Subcommittee met in Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada. Participants discussed the upcoming 2010 Partnership Expo and the Subcommittee's role in preparations, as well as plans to develop a compendium of standards for identifying and measuring methane emissions. Held in conjunction with a Technology Transfer Workshop and a joint meeting with the Asia Pacific Partnership, the Subcommittee meeting included a technical workshop, as well as a site visit to a gas processing plant.

Welcome, Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic flagIn September 2009, Methane to Markets expanded into the Caribbean with the admission of the Dominican Republic into the Partnership. The Dominican Republic will be the Partnership's 31st Partner Government and its representatives will join the Agriculture and Landfills Subcommittees. Dominican representatives are looking to reduce methane emissions in the sugar, fruit processing, swine, and dairy sectors.

Mumbai Landfill Awarded Advanced Carbon Credits

For the first time in India, thanks to the market for carbon credits, a landfill has been transformed into an asset for the local community. The Gorai Landfill, outside Mumbai, has earned US $5.2 million for 26 carbon credits for captured gas, 70 percent of which are estimated to be methane. Although the methane is currently flared, local officials plan to reuse it to generate electricity. The municipal corporation of Mumbai signed an Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement with the Asian Development Bank Exiting Global Methane Initiative for future delivery of carbon credits. The carbon credits are determined by the estimated reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases from the capped landfill. Methane and other greenhouse gases are the product of 35 years and 2.3 million tons of accumulated solid waste at the site that break down and are collected by a network of pipes. In addition to addressing the environmental problems related to the disposal of waste, the capture and reuse of gas at the Gorai Landfill provides a local source of energy as well as revenue from the carbon credits. The initial feasibility study for this project was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development and the U.S. EPA provided additional technical support to the municipality.

Climate Action Releases Coal Mine Methane Protocol

In October 2009, the Climate Action Reserve released the Coal Mine Methane (CMM) Project Protocol (PDF, 75 pp., 775 KB) Exiting Global Methane Initiative. The CMM Project Protocol provides a standardized approach for quantifying, monitoring, and verifying the greenhouse gas reductions from projects at active underground coal mines in the United States. The protocol includes guidance for ventilation air methane projects and non-pipeline drainage projects.

Methane to Markets Redesigns Web Site

Homepage screenshotThe new Methane to Markets Web site is live! With so many activities taking place in Methane to Markets Partner Governments across all sectors, the new Web site enables individuals to easily find the information and resources that are most relevant and in different languages. Note these improvements:

U.S. Government Documents Its Partnership Accomplishments

Accomplishments Report CoverProud of its accomplishments with and participation in the Partnership, the United States released its fourth annual U.S. Government's Methane to Markets Partnership Accomplishments Report Exiting Global Methane Initiative in October 2009. The report summarizes the contributions U.S. government agencies have made to the Partnership during 2008 and since the launch of the Partnership in November 2004, including specific steps taken to dismantle barriers and advance project development internationally. U.S.-supported Methane to Markets projects delivered methane emissions reductions of more than 26 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, roughly the annual greenhouse gas emissions from 4.7 million passenger vehicles.

Partnership Accomplishments Report Forthcoming!

We are pleased to announce that the Partnership Accomplishments Report (PAR) will be ready soon! With plans to post the PAR online in November 2009 and distribute it at the December 2009 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP 15 Exiting Global Methane Initiative in Copenhagen, the Partnership is delighted to make this resource available. Sincere thanks to all of those who provided country data, submitted project information, and reviewed drafts of the report.

Countdown to COP 15—Help Methane to Markets Have a Presence!

COP 15 logoThe UNFCCC COP 15 Exiting Global Methane Initiative, will take place from 7 to 18 December 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Methane to Markets will be there, but help is needed to boost the presence of the Partnership at the most important climate change meeting of the year. If you will be at the COP and would like to display Partnership materials, please contact the ASG. Also, please come to the Methane to Markets side event that will be held in the U.S. Pavilion on Wednesday, 9 December from 9-10 a.m. Methane to Markets representatives from Partner Governments will be attending and providing updates to the Methane to Markets community through the Web site, the Methane to Markets Facebook page Exiting Global Methane Initiative, and future editions of this newsletter.

Recent Developments

Send in your announcement for our next quarterly issue. Also, visit the news and events page for information on past Methane to Markets' gatherings.