Methane International

Issue 14, August 2009

Registration for the 2010 Partnership Expo in India to Open Soon

2009 Expo banner

Registration will soon be available for the 2010 Methane to Markets Partnership Expo, scheduled to take place 2-5 March 2010 in New Delhi, India. The Partnership Expo will promote methane recovery and use project opportunities and technologies. Participants will be able showcase their methane mitigation projects and technologies as well as learn about the latest advances in the field. This second Partnership Expo will also facilitate interaction among participants and potential project partners, financiers, and high-level government representatives. More than 1000 attendees from around the world are expected!

Submit an Abstract
The due date for abstracts for the Expo is being extended! One-page presentation abstracts for the Partnership Expo are now being accepted through 30 October 2009. Pick from such topics as agricultural sources, coal mining, landfills, or oil and natural gas systems, or develop an abstract on any number of cross-cutting issues. All submitters will be contacted by 1 December 2009. Read more about how to submit an abstract or presentation for the Partnership Expo.

Call for Projects
The Methane to Markets Partnership has issued its call for projects. If you are interested in having your project showcased during the 2010 Expo, please download and complete the appropriate template for your sector and send it to the Administrative Support Group. Critical information about relevant projects will be prominently displayed in poster format in New Delhi. The deadline for project template submission is 15 November 2009.

Sponsor the Expo
The Methane to Markets Partnership Expo is the world's largest and most prestigious international gathering for methane professionals. Become a Partnership Expo sponsor and raise your organization's profile at this forum. You will receive prime space to display specific project opportunities and technologies and many other benefits. Application forms and details are now available (PDF, 4 pp, 56 KB).

Welcome Gina McCarthy, New Steering Committee Chair

Gina McCarthy

Please join us in welcoming a new Steering Committee Chair Exiting Global Methane Initiative, Ms. Gina McCarthy. Ms. McCarthy has more than 25 years experience working on environmental issues, including serving most recently as the Commissioner for the State of Connecticut's Department of Environmental Protection Exiting Global Methane Initiative, where she played a leading role in creating the United States' first market-based greenhouse gas emissions cap and trade program. In her new post as Assistant Administrator at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Air and Radiation Exiting Global Methane Initiative, Ms. McCarthy will help lead Methane to Markets as the Partnership renews the Terms of Reference and looks to build on its significant achievements.

United States to Host Steering Committee Meeting

photo of Washington Monument

The next Steering Committee meeting will take place in Washington, D.C., on 10-11 September 2009. Participants will focus on planning for the future of the Partnership, continuing discussions begun at the January 2009 Steering Committee meeting that affect the Partnership and its strategic direction. Stay tuned for more details on outcomes from this important meeting.

Subcommittee Meetings to Convene in September and October

All four subcommittees are preparing for their annual meetings. On 3 September 2009, the Agriculture Subcommittee meeting will be held in conjunction with the International Conference on Water Pollution Reduction and Climate Change Mitigation (PDF, 2 pp, 20 KB) in Guangzhou, China. The Oil and Gas Subcommittee meeting will be held on 14-16 September 2009 at Lake Louise, Canada. In addition to the meeting, attendees are invited to participate in a site tour and a technology transfer workshop. The Landfill Subcommittee meeting will be held on 21 September 2009 in conjunction with the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) WasteCon 2009 Exiting Global Methane Initiative in Long Beach, California. Finally, the Coal Mine Subcommittee meeting will be held on 12-13 October 2009 in conjunction with the 5th Meeting of the UNECE Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane Exiting Global Methane Initiative in Geneva, Switzerland. Don't miss these opportunities to participate!

Welcome, Georgia

Georgia flag

On 6 August 2009, Methane to Markets welcomed its newest Partner Country, Georgia. Georgia joins 29 other Partner Countries working to reduce methane around the world. Georgia will be joining the Coal Mine and Oil and Gas Systems Subcommittees in an effort to reduce methane emissions from both coal mines and oil and gas production within the country.

Ukraine Passes Coal Mine Methane Legislation

In June 2009, Ukrainian President Viktor Yuschenko signed important coal mine legislation that includes a tax exemption for Ukrainian coal mine methane projects. Starting in 2010 and continuing through January 2020, profits from the production and use of coal mine methane earned by Ukrainian enterprises will no longer be subject to taxation. Additionally, the Ukrainian National Electricity Regulatory Commission is authorized to set price limits for methane if its production is funded from the state budget. The government plans to grant state support and guarantees to the producers and suppliers of energy from coal mine methane to help increase the production and use of methane from coal deposits. Read more about this important piece of legislation Exiting Global Methane Initiative.

Methane to Markets at Copenhagen for COP15

The Methane to Markets' Administrative Support Group is preparing to have the Partnership featured at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change's next meeting of the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) Exiting Global Methane Initiative in Copenhagen, Denmark. Last year, Poland sponsored a very successful side event featuring Methane to Markets, and the Administrative Support Group is looking for a sponsor for this year. The conference convenes on 7-18 December 2009. The application period for side events is early September.

Interested in sponsoring Methane to Markets at a side event? Please contact Ashley King at

News and Announcements

Recent Developments

Send in your announcement for our next quarterly issue. Also, visit the news and events page for information on past Methane to Markets' gatherings.