Methane International

Issue 13, June 2009

Dates Set for 2010 Partnership Expo in India

2009 Expo banner

Clear your calendar for 2–5 March 2010! You won't want to miss the world's largest dedicated forum on methane projects, technology, financing, and policy—the 2010 Methane to Markets Partnership Expo. In cooperation with the government of India, the Expo will be held at the Taj Palace Hotel Exiting Global Methane Initiative in New Delhi, one of India's premiere hotels.

Building on the highly successful 2007 Partnership Expo held in Beijing, China, the 2010 Expo will give participants the chance to:

Call for Abstracts
If you have experience deploying commercially proven, third-party-verified technologies as part of a methane capture and use project, we invite you to share your knowledge and experience at the Partnership Expo! Submit an abstract to be considered for one of the Partnership Expo's workshop or policy sessions. Program organizers are looking for a one-page submittal on methane mitigation in one of the following subject areas:

Abstracts are due on 15 August 2009, and all submitters will be contacted by 1 December 2009.

More information about abstracts and presentations (PDF, 2 pp, 24 KB).

Call for Projects
The Partnership Expo is a great opportunity to showcase your potential project and gain exposure throughout the methane community. Organizers will soon be issuing a call for projects to showcase, so keep an eye out for this important announcement. Also, you can visit the Methane to Markets Partnership Expo Web site for the most up-to-date information available.

As with the 2007 Partnership Expo, you will have an opportunity to gain elite exposure for your organization or technology by becoming a sponsor and securing a booth. The Partnership Expo will allocate prime space for sponsors' display of specific project opportunities in each sector. Options for sponsorship with an application form are now available on the Partnership Expo Web site (PDF, 4 pp, 56 KB).

New, Redesigned Web Site Is On Its Way

Methane International Unveils New Format

Welcome to the new Methane International! With our updated HTML format and Web-based location, we hope to better serve the Partnership and be more user-friendly. Send us your feedback on our new look.

Wikis, news feeds, widgets, podcasts, social networking—there has been an explosive growth of new Web-based communications tools and technologies to build and sustain virtual communities since the launch of Methane International. The Partnership's new Web site, scheduled to go live later in 2009, will use many Web-based features to serve the Methane to Markets multi-national, multi-lingual, and multi-disciplinary community.

The Web site has long been one of the Partnership's most valued assets. With many activities taking place across all Methane to Markets Partner Countries and sectors, the Partnership wanted to ensure that individuals can easily navigate to the news and resources that are most relevant to them. Toward this end, the new Partnership Web site includes Web 2.0 features that allow users to share Methane to Markets activities with others as well as translate any content into dozens of languages. Updates have also been made to the home page, country detail pages, and the sector landing pages to make information easily accessible.

Get ready to navigate the redesigned Web site and let us know what you think of its new and improved features.

Steering Committee Meeting to Discuss Future of Methane to Markets

Clear your calendars for upcoming Methane to Markets meetings! In September 2009 the next Steering Committee meeting will take place in Washington, D.C., expanding upon discussions that began at the January 2009 Steering Committee meeting. Don't miss this opportunity to shape the future of the Methane to Markets Partnership.

Upcoming Subcommittee Meetings

Watch for details regarding upcoming meetings for all four subcommittees. The Agriculture Subcommittee meeting will be held on 3 September 2009 in conjunction with the International Conference on Water Pollution Reduction and Climate Change Mitigation in Guangzhou, China. Next, the Oil and Gas Subcommittee meeting will be held on 14-16 September 2009 at Lake Louise, Canada. It will include a site tour, a technology transfer workshop, and the subcommittee meeting. The Landfills Subcommittee meeting will be held on 21 September 2009 with the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) WasteCon 2009 Exiting Global Methane Initiative conference in Long Beach, California. Finally, the Coal Subcommittee meeting will be held 12-13 October 2009 on in conjunction with the 5th Meeting of the UNECE Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane Exiting Global Methane Initiative in Geneva, Switzerland.

Bulgarian flagWelcome, Bulgaria

On 11 May 2009, the Methane to Markets Partnership welcomed Bulgaria as the Partnership's 29th Partner. Bulgaria offers multiple project development opportunities to reduce methane from its landfills and will be participating in the Landfill Subcommittee. Project Network members are invited to contact Ms. Maria Ninova, Bulgaria's Methane to Markets representative from the Ministry of Environment and Water, for more information on Bulgaria and potential areas for collaboration.

SpotlightsGet in the Spotlight!

The Partnership's new Web site will feature Methane to Markets Partner, Organization, and Project "Spotlights"—dedicated pages that will focus on successful initiatives and key players in the Methane to Markets community. Look for our first Spotlights to debut along with the new Web site, and let us know if you would like some time in the spotlight!

Coming Soon: The First Partnership-Wide Accomplishments Report

To coincide with its five-year anniversary, Methane to Markets will publish the first Partnership-Wide Accomplishments Report later this year. The report will summarize the Partnership's collective accomplishments and global impact since its inception in 2004. The report will also include descriptions of representative projects and activities as well as the latest statistics. The report will include each Partner's involvement in Methane to Markets as well as providing an overview of Subcommittee activities and achievements by sector.

Recent Developments

If you would like your announcement included in our next quarterly roundup of recent developments in the methane community, send it in for consideration. Also, visit our news and events page for information on past Methane to Markets gatherings.